Can’t quite believe it’s last week of November! Thanksgiving week in the United States of America!
this year has flown by …..again!

»For my part, I travel not to go, I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move. » Robert Louis Stevenson ( Scottish Author 19thc) 

2019 has been the year of visiting Capital cities! ……..First time visiting these interesting cities, I started the year in Cape Town,  South Africa, in May I visited Paris ( why have I waited so long to fall in love with Paris!) , In June I spent a couple of nights in Athens , Greece. In September I stayed four nights in Berlin, Germany and in November I visited London ( I’ve been to The UK capital many times & I always forget I much I love London until I visit again!!)

All very different cities of architecture, size of population,  history & temperature ! Can’t  really decide which is my favourite! Maybe Paris!

While visiting Berlin, we booked a local guide for a walking tour, a lovely Scottish lass  Lynsey Anderson, together with her husband they operate Taylor Made Tours in the city, they’re registered Berlin guides and can be found on Trip Advisor. Lynsey’s local knowledge was invaluable and made the visit much more special.

I am fortunate to be in Scotland’s capital city Edinburgh often, it has a very special place in my heart, it’s an easy walkable city with most attractions close together, I really enjoy taking visitors on a walking tour in Edinburgh’s Old & New Towns, both World Heritage Sites.

I have also been taking care of many visitors, guiding around Scotland in between all my gallivanting!

More of that in my next blog!